Learn the art 
of reading.

  • Consistently find books you love
  • Read 25-50+ books a year
  • Learn a note-taking system (so you remember the gold)

If you do these three things, you'll change your life.


Learn the art
of reading.

  • Consistently find books you love
  • Read 25-50+ books a year
  • Learn a note-taking system (so you remember the gold)
Join the waitlist for The Art of Reading here!

Watch to learn more.

Join the waitlist for The Art of Reading here!

Watch to learn more. 

What Experts Are Saying About The Art of Reading:

Morgan Housel

NYT Bestselling Author


"Reading is a skill most of us stopped practicing when we were kids. But it's a skill that requires honing through your life. Alex is the most skillful reader I know, and what he teaches is invaluable to everyone."

Justin Welsh



“The best creators know that reading is an essential skill. The better information you consume, the better information you create. When it comes to mastering the art of reading, Alex is an excellent guide & teacher.”

Ankur Warikoo

Bestselling Author


 "Reading is a skill for life. Alex has mastered that skill and is now graciously sharing his secrets with us. Highly recommended!"



Tiago Forte

WSJ Bestselling Author


"Reading is both an art and a science. If you can master the skill of focused reading, the world's knowledge will open up for you, and there's no one better to teach you than Alex.”


Hassan Osman 

Bestselling Author


"The Art of Reading is more than just a course; it's a comprehensive guide that will reshape your approach to reading. It's perfect for anyone looking to deepen their love for books and transform their reading habits. Highly recommended!"

Ben Meer



 "Alex shares an abundance of practical tips to master the art of reading. Apply his lessons and everything you read afterward will compound into more knowledge & success. Highly recommend!"


Anthony Pompliano



"If you want to become a better reader, check out Alex's work. He consistently finds great books and always pulls out the best insights.”



Neil Pasricha

NYT Bestselling Author


"In our increasingly blaring, skimming, little-bits-of-everything world we desperately need to build back our reading muscles. And there's nobody I trust more for the job than Alex!”


Join the waitlist for The Art of Reading here!

⚠️ Have you encountered any of these reading roadblocks?

  • You know you should be reading, but you don't feel motivated to read.
  • You try to sit down to read your book, but you get easily distracted and lose focus. 
  • You wish you could read more, but you can't find time to read in your busy schedule.
  • You spend a lot of time reading, but you have trouble remembering what you've read.
  • You know you should take notes, but you don’t know how to effectively take notes while reading.
  • You read a lot of books, but you have trouble applying the lessons you've learned to improve your life.

If so, you're not alone. I've faced all of these roadblocks and more.

That's why I created The Art of Reading.

It's a self-paced course that will teach you all of my best reading tips, tricks, and tactics in just 2 hours.

🤓 My obsession to become a better reader has been a 5+ year-long journey.

During that time I’ve met 100+ authors, read 500+ books, and grown my reading community to 1,000,000+ followers.

🌎 If you aren't reading books, you're missing out on a world of benefits.

You're depriving yourself of learning new skills, improving your life, and achieving your full potential. A recent study found that 46% of Americans read ZERO books last year.

In the current age of knowledge work, those who learn more, earn more. And those who don't read, decrease their chances of becoming successful and make room for competitors to surpass them.

As Naval Ravikant said, "Reading is the ultimate meta-skill and can be traded for anything else."

🔍 If you do read, are you getting the most out of your books?

Reading is only one step in the learning process. You also need to know how to remember what you've read, take notes on the best lessons, organize that information, and apply those lessons to improve your life.

Otherwise, you'll be reading one book after another without any major changes in your life.

As billionaire investor Charlie Munger once said, "I don’t know anyone who’s wise who doesn’t read a lot. But that’s not enough. Most people don’t grab the right ideas or don’t know what to do with them."

Join the waitlist for The Art of Reading here!

👱‍♂️ My Personal Reading Journey

I used to think I just "wasn't a reader." 

In fact, for most of my life, I hated reading.

I spent most of my time playing video games, scrolling social media, or watching movies.

Until one day, a college professor introduced me to "How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie." I had no idea how powerful and life-changing a book could be until that moment.

After reading it, I became obsessed with reading as many books as I could get my hands on.

But my reading journey wasn't all smooth sailing...

I wanted to read more, but sometimes I just couldn't get through a book. Other times, I found a great book but couldn't focus on it and would end up on my phone.

I also found it difficult to find time to read with my busy schedule (I was a full-time student and working part-time). And the books that I did read, I would have a hard time remembering anything from them.

Can you relate?

Then one day, I had an important realization: I thought being literate and being a reader were the same thing. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I realized that reading, like driving a car or playing basketball, was a skill and there were things I could do to become better at it. 

🏫 School teaches you how to read, but it doesn't teach you how to become a reader.

After that light bulb moment, I went on a journey to understand everything I could about the art of reading.

Here are just a few of the important lessons I discovered...

  • I read books about behavior change (like "Atomic Habits" and "Tiny Habits") to learn how to build the ultimate reading habit.
  • I read books about focus (like"Indistractable" and"Hyperfocus") to learn how I could stop getting distracted while reading.
  • I read books about speed reading (like "10 Days to Faster Reading" and "Super Reading Secrets") to learn how to read faster.
  • I read books about becoming a better reader (like "I'd Rather Be Reading" and "The Pleasure of Reading In An Age of Distraction") to improve my reading skills.
  • I even read the classic reading guide "How To Read A Book" and ordered a bonus 3-hour DVD to learn additional lessons from the authors.

I became obsessed with learning how to become a better reader.

Now I want to share everything I've learned with you.

Whether you want to start a new reading habit or improve your existing one, this course will help you.


What’s In The Course?


How To Find & Filter For Amazing Books

You'll learn:

  • How to easily find amazing books
  • How to prioritize your reading list
  • 3 Proven frameworks to find books you'll love
  • How to properly use book reviews and summaries
  • How to figure out if a book is for you in 5 mins or less
  • When to quit a book & how to do so without feeling guilty

After this module, you’ll be able to find amazing books in minutes and know which books are worth reading and which you should skip.


How To Get More Books Into Your Life

You'll learn:

  • How to find 1-2 hours to read every day (even with a busy schedule)
  • How to DOUBLE the number of books you read every year
  • How to build a consistent reading habit that sticks
  • How to stop getting distracted while reading
  • How to 5x your motivation to read books
  • How to read books for free (legally)
  • How to speed read  

After this module, you’ll know how to find time to read more, stay focused while reading, and read more books than ever before.


How To Get More Life Out of Your Books

You'll learn:

  • How to remember more of what you read
  • How to use AI to become a 10x better reader
  • How to become a top 1% reader on any topic
  • How to take notes while reading (print, ebooks, audiobooks)
  • How to apply what you've learned (& transform your life)

After this module, you’ll remember more of what you've read, know how to effectively take notes while reading, and how to apply books to change your life.


FREE Bonuses

You'll get:

  • 30-Day Reading Tracker ($15 value)
  • 365-Day Reading Tracker ($25 value)
  • Copy of "The Reader's Journey" ($25 value)
  • Copy of "Learn To Love Reading" ($25 value)
  • List of 50+ Short & Sweet Fiction Books ($100 value)
  • List of 50+ Short & Sweet Non-Fiction Books ($100 value)
  • Alex's Personal Notion Template For Readers ($100 value)
  • List of Alex's 100 Most Impactful Books of All Time ($100 value)

Together these bonuses are worth $450+. But you'll get all of these bonuses and more for FREE when you buy the course.

📚 After learning The Art of Reading, you'll be able to:

  • Avoid distractions and focus on your book for hours.
  • Walk into a bookstore and find amazing books in minutes. 
  • Find 1-2 hours to read every day even if you have a busy schedule.
  • Stop forgetting so much and remember more of what you've read.
  • Effectively and efficiently take notes in print books, ebooks, and audiobooks. 
  • Develop a consistent reading habit that allows you to read 25-50+ books a year.
  • Start implementing lessons from the books you've read to transform your life for the better.

 And so much more! 

Reading is a lifetime habit and the sooner you start, the sooner you'll reap the rewards from it.

Reading books has changed my life, I believe it can do the same for you.


What Students Are Saying:

About Alex & Books

Alex Wieckowski is the creator of Alex & Books. His book reviews, summaries, and reading tips have gained him over 1,000,000+ followers across social media. 

Alex is also the author of "Learn To Love Reading" and the host of The Reader’s Journey podcast where he's interviewed amazing authors including Morgan Housel, Nir Eyal, Eric Jorgenson, and many more.

Join the waitlist for The Art of Reading here!


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